PSP Events

Latest Past Events

Movie and Fine Arts Night – Marry Poppins

Victor Valley College 18422 Bear Valley Rd, Victorville

We will be seeing Mary Poppinf on May 5th, 2024. The event will be at Victor Valley College in Victorville. The cost is TBD per person.

California Days at Calico Ghost Town

Calico Ghost Town Calico

Calico Days at Calico Ghost Town. This event is NOT a PSP school event.  This is a local family fun event. Door opens at 9:00am, February 17-18, 2024. Coach Gary will be playing drums in the band at the event.

Valentine’s Day Park Day

Hesperia Lakes Park

Valentine's Day Park Day and Valentine's Exchange We will be having our Valentine’s Day Park Day and Valentine Exchange on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 11:30am to 12:45pm, at Hesperia Lakes Park. The weather forecast indicates it will be approximately 59 degrees and sunny! Please bring your Valentines, a Valentines Receptacle and a sweet treat! Please […]