Private Christian Homeschool
in Apple Valley
At PSP Christian Academy, we are invested in our students’ education and spiritual health; uncompromising teaching of the God’s word and required courses all in one. We are your Private Christian Homeschool in Apple Valley CA!
About PSP




Faith-based homeschooling
The decision to homeschool is inextricably rooted in the core belief that the responsibility of educating a child rests on the parent’s shoulders. Likewise, for those that educate for faith-based reasons, that core belief extends to the education itself – the knowledge that is imparted to our children. The “what” and “why” we homeschool our children is just as important as the “how” and “when” they are taught..
For many faith-based homeschoolers, the choice to homeschool is rooted in the mindset that the child’s education should reflect, support, and extend from their religious beliefs. The foundation and world-view of faith-based homeschooling is rooted in the Word of God – the source of foundational truth for living, working, marriage, and even rearing children. Join us as we seek to homeschool using Scripture as our roadmap for learning!
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
We are excited to introduce you to the PSP family. We are a homeschool community that are a collection of wise yet friendly voices with the mission to help you find freedom, flexibility, and joy in your homeschool journey. Our homeschooling community is here to support you with the warmth you need to feel welcome, the advice you need to be inspired, and the tools you need to homeschool well.
Find a place where you can find the advice and inspiration you need as well as help other homeschool families find their best homeschool journey! Join our community or join our volunteer team, either way we want you to feel welcome and a part of PSP!
For further information follow this link.
John Holt
Programs, Activities & More!

Our academy started out as a sports league, so we got your sports covered. Many healthy activities are available to take part in. Come join us for the sportsmanship!

We are very blessed by Coach Gary who is an astout musician and teacher in the High Deesert. Join him for percussion and music theory on Mondays.

We do teach a second language and that language is American Sign Language taught by Coach Wanda every Monday this year. You will learn in amazing ways.