PSP Events

Winter/Spring Classes Begin

PSP Campus Apple Valley, CA

Mark your calendar…Winter/Spring Classes will begin on Monday, January 22, 2024. More information to come soon!

Park Meetup

Civic Center Park 14999 Dale Evans Pkwy, Apple Valley, CA

Park meetup at Civic center Park in Apple Valley.


Movie and Fine Arts Night – The Wizard of Oz

Cinemark Theaters Jess Ranch 18935 Bear Valley Rd, Apple Valley, CA

For our Movie and Fine Arts Night, we will see The Wizard of Oz. Movie time will be at 7:00pm on January 31, 2024.


Valentine’s Day Park Day

Hesperia Lakes Park

Valentine's Day Park Day and Valentine's Exchange We will be having our Valentine’s Day Park Day and Valentine Exchange on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 11:30am to 12:45pm, at Hesperia Lakes Park. The weather forecast indicates it will be approximately 59 degrees and sunny! Please bring your Valentines, a Valentines Receptacle and a sweet treat! Please […]

California Days at Calico Ghost Town

Calico Ghost Town Calico, CA

Calico Days at Calico Ghost Town. This event is NOT a PSP school event.  This is a local family fun event. Door opens at 9:00am, February 17-18, 2024. Coach Gary will be playing drums in the band at the event.

Crazy Hat Day at PSP

PSP Campus Apple Valley, CA

Crazy Hat Day! Wear your craziest/silliest  hat to class.

Park Meetup

Mendel Park Apple Valley 21860 Tussing Ranch Rd, Apple Valley, CA

Park meetup at Mendel Park in Apple Valley. Remember to bring your water bottle!


Movie and Fine Arts Night – Gone With the Wind

Cinemark Theaters Jess Ranch 18935 Bear Valley Rd, Apple Valley, CA

We will be seeing Gone With the Wind on April 4th, 2024. The event will be at Cinemark at Jess Ranch in Apple Valley. The cost is $12.50 per person.


Park Meetup

Norm Schmidt Park 14041 Tuweep Trail, Apple Valley, CA

Park meetup at Norm Schmidt Park in Apple Valley. Remember to bring your water bottles!
